Peking University College of Architecture and Landscape
北大自诞生一刻起就与一个负重前行的民族之命运紧密联系在一起,强烈的忧患意识和社会责任感是北大发展的原动力,过去如此,未来依然如此。当今中国面临众多挑战,要求我们去探索应对的策略,包括:史无前例的城镇化,空前紧张的人地关系与资源环境危机,全球化与民族身份问题,传统价值观的重估与新伦理、新美学和新生活方式的开启。这是历史赋予北京大学的责任,正是出于这种担当,北京大学于2010年5月决策成立建筑与景观设计学院,并任命俞孔坚教授为首任院长。新的学院在景观规划与设计研究中心(1997年成立),景观设计学研究院(2003年成立)和建筑学中心(2000年成立)等三个机构基础上整合而成。目前有教职工15位,包括双聘院士1位,外籍千人计划专家1位,国家千人计划专家1位,教育部长江学者1位. 至2015年,学院已经毕业的研究生400多名,博士20多名;目前在校硕士研究生总人数为277人,其中全日制风景园林硕士专业学位研究生29人,在职风景园林专业硕士研究生182人,地理学(景观设计学)硕士研究生66人。
Peking University was born with Chinese people’s expectation to revitalize China.Great sense of challenges and social responsibility constantly fuels the university’s development. Contemporary China is confronted with a set of challenges such as unprecedented urbanization rates, tension between man and land, globalization and national identity, re-evaluating traditional value and new ethics, aesthetics and life style. In response to the responsibility of historical significance, Peking University, on 25th, May, 2010, promulgated to establish the college of architecture and landscape architecture. Dr Yu Kongjian was nominated as Dean. It is an integration of former landscape planning and design research center in 1997, graduate center of architecture in 2000, and the graduate school of landscape architecture in 2003. The college now has 15 faculty and staff, including one affiliated academician, one “Thousand Talent” foreign expert, one “Thousand Talent” national expert and Ministry of education Changjiang Scholar Professor. The college has cultivated more than 400 master and 20 PhD graduates. There are 277 masters studying in the college, with 29 full-time and 182 part-time Professional masters of landscape architecture (MLA, Master of Landscape architecture) and 66 Master of Science of geography (landscape architecture).
In pursuit of ecological civilization, the college applies an interdisciplinary and cross-scale strategy to the teaching and research on planning and design of our living environment and inspire a new generation of leading designers. Over the years, the college has featured in (1) innovate teaching, research and practices in urban and rural planning, especially the construction of urban and rural ecological infrastructure (EI) and EI-based planning and design across national, regional and site scales; (2) the exploration of new aesthetics and design based on the concept of ecological civilization, including new urbanization, aesthetic architecture and landscape.
The development of the college has been continuously fostered for the past 20 years under the leadership CPC Secretary Ren Yansheng, Min Weifang and Zhu Shanlu, and President Chen Jiaer, Xu Zhihong, Zhou Qifeng, Wang Enge and Lin Jianhua, as well as the great support received from various university departments. It is now polished as an ever-brighter pearl by the side of Weiming Lake.